Wednesday, January 28, 2015

All That Work Just To Be Shoved Into a Van

I didn't mean to start a Facebook battle, but I guess that's what happens when you post about puppies and kittens!  How many times have you had this same thought while reading the comments on something you posted?

I cant help it, I found the look on the puppy's face at the end of the Go Daddy commercial ridiculous and it made me laugh.  My friend Michele described it perfectly, "F&*%ers, all that work just to be shoved in a van." If you haven't seen it yet, take a look.  Go Daddy Puppy Commercial

After posting the video with my comment that it made me laugh, I was instantly accused of having a flawed character and compared to someone who would laugh at a video of someone who was raped.  Really?  Really??  Come On! 

All of us have a different sense of humor.  Shaped and formed by our years of life and how we were raised.  Mine?  Well lets just say that I am twisted and pretty much can find humor in any situation.  I have found that this saves my sanity.  Don't get me wrong, for a number of years I was much more sensitive, because when you are looking for offense it finds you easily.  I made a choice a few years ago that I was going to be happy.  This meant, not finding fault in others, not judging them for what I might not understand, and by focusing on what I think is important.  I am still a work in progress.

Trust me, this is not an easy path to take, but I have to tell you that it is much easier than being angry.  It is simply my choice to not judge someone for their opinions and beliefs.  It is my choice to not take to heart the criticisms of people who really have no place other than in the periphery of my world.

There will always be someone who does not agree with you.  There will always be someone who finds your beliefs and opinions offensive.  For that matter, there will be people who will hate you simply because of what you drive, the number of children you have or the party you belong to in politics.  You will never change their minds.  Stop trying.  Stop listening.  It will bring you peace and you will find that you will laugh a little more.

Don't trip on the Path!

When I was in High School, back in the time of big hair and Jordache Jeans, I tried to take up running.  You know, jogging for exercise.  I couldn't run to catch a bus back then and now I couldn't run to escape a Zombie Clown from Hell.  I look ridiculous.  My legs and arms don't move together with any real coordination.  I wouldn't want to be seen running with me, it is that bad!  So I took up walking.  I compromised.

Compromises and changes are a given in our lives.  I looked like an idiot running, so I walked instead.  I have social anxiety so I found an outlet for my voice in writing words.  I have lots to say so I write quite a bit.  Chatty Kathy my mom used to call me, I wonder what she would call me now!

I have written some really good fictional beach reading, I write letters and policy for work, I write notes for my kids, I write emails and texts to anyone silly enough to share their number with me, and for a while I wrote for the newspaper.   I never had a real plan for how I got here, doing what I do, with the people I do it with.  I like to think that God had a plan for my life and it didn't include the ability to run but he sure made up for that.

I have spent many years since my teens trying to figure out who I am and what my purpose is.  I have made a lot of mistakes along the way and still am not really sure of the answer.  What I am sure of is that I am going to try and put this part of my journey down in words, maybe helping some other non-runner along their path.