Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Don't trip on the Path!

When I was in High School, back in the time of big hair and Jordache Jeans, I tried to take up running.  You know, jogging for exercise.  I couldn't run to catch a bus back then and now I couldn't run to escape a Zombie Clown from Hell.  I look ridiculous.  My legs and arms don't move together with any real coordination.  I wouldn't want to be seen running with me, it is that bad!  So I took up walking.  I compromised.

Compromises and changes are a given in our lives.  I looked like an idiot running, so I walked instead.  I have social anxiety so I found an outlet for my voice in writing words.  I have lots to say so I write quite a bit.  Chatty Kathy my mom used to call me, I wonder what she would call me now!

I have written some really good fictional beach reading, I write letters and policy for work, I write notes for my kids, I write emails and texts to anyone silly enough to share their number with me, and for a while I wrote for the newspaper.   I never had a real plan for how I got here, doing what I do, with the people I do it with.  I like to think that God had a plan for my life and it didn't include the ability to run but he sure made up for that.

I have spent many years since my teens trying to figure out who I am and what my purpose is.  I have made a lot of mistakes along the way and still am not really sure of the answer.  What I am sure of is that I am going to try and put this part of my journey down in words, maybe helping some other non-runner along their path.

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