Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Need to Create an Off the Beaten Path Map

I want to share this amazing place we found on New Years Eve.  My darling husband and I were traveling to North Carolina to visit my Father and stopped in Southern Virginia for the night.  Right off of I-95 in Petersburg Virginia we found a place to stay and set out for a place to eat dinner.

We had big plans to ring in the New Year at a local bar, but anyone who knows me knows that midnight is the name of a cat, not a time of day that I see on a regular basis.  I can admit it, I like my 8 hours of sleep so much that I try to get 10.


We found our way to a restaurant we found online called – the Light House.  The menu online looked great and was close enough for us to walk.  When we walked in the door, we did a double take.  It was a restaurant/bar that was not in any way as pretentious as it seemed online. 

The first thing we saw while waiting for the hostess to come seat us was a patron at the bar go face first onto the floor, with a blonde right on top of him.  We told the hostess, “we will eat at the bar. “ I was not going to miss any of this fun.

We had the most awesome dinner, fried shrimp and haddock that had to have been deep fried in what can only be described as seasoned oil; and a bartender/waitress that had the greatest southern accent.  When she asked me what I wanted to drink, I had to spell WATER since the way we pronounce it (wooder) was foreign to her down home ears. 

They treated us like we were regulars.  Everyone was friendly, open and ready to share a laugh or a story.  The greatest moment came when the DJ began playing a series of tunes such as, Lynrd Skynrd – Give me Back my Bullets and then Hank Williams Jr – I got Rights.  Each one was better than the last and only made the night more memorable.

I highly recommend you get off the beaten path and find a local gem, there is nothing like it.  If you make it down to the Light House, make sure you look for our dollar on the ceiling!

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