Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I can be your Trash Lady

Inspire me, please.  We do the same things day in and day out.  We fall into a routine and accept that this is the new normal.  Isn't there something you wanted to do?  What was it that you set out to accomplish or dreamed of achieving when you were a kid?

I always loved to tell a tale.  For some time now, I have been struggling with what to tell.  I have written my entire adult life but have never thought to step outside my comfort zone and share my writing.  I am too needy.  I have to know you love it.  The old wounds from self esteem self abuse still linger and the battle of what to write has eaten up more time than writing itself.

I love to write what I fondly call "beach trash."  A good suspenseful, maybe romantic read that doesn't take more effort to enjoy than what you want to expend on a lazy day.  When I say I love writing trash, I mean it.  It just flows.

So what was the problem?  Self judgement, self criticism and a need to excel.

What stuck in my head was, "If it isn't the great american novel, then it doesn't deserve the ink it would require to print it."   I have started, stopped, finished, burned and enjoyed every word I have written in my life.  Some of the words were hard to write and some of them needed to be written.  Self therapy and awareness came from writing it all down.  I have to tell you; I have more to write, and its some of the best trash I have penned to date.

Blogging is the outlet that helps my writers mind.  I think it, I write it, I share it and its gone.  Like the rest of you, I have many facets to my being.  I am a mother, wife, daughter, worker, friend and now trash lady.  Writing here, these thoughts, empty them from my mind and allows me to get back to the story line at hand.

Currently there is this really smart woman trying to have it all that needs my attention.  If it ever sees the light of day, I promise I will share it here first.

Show of hands, and it's safe here - this is a no judgement zone - who here likes to read beach trash and are any of you an Agent!?

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