Thursday, August 6, 2015

I have this friend...

“I have this friend…“  Every good story, therapy session or epic retelling of some shenanigans begins with these words.  I am one of the fortunate ones because I do have this friend.

With just about half a century under my belt, I have met a lot of people, lost friends, made friends and chosen to walk away when the situation no longer felt right.  Then came this friend.  We will call her Cowgirl, because all good stories change the names to protect the innocent. 

This cowgirl seemed to like my flawed personality, actually connected with me over some pretty racy details of what some might consider bad deeds.  (You can ask her but she will never tell.) This girl came along and crossed my path at a moment when I was feeling pretty confident, comfortable and bad-ass.  God himself placed her in my path, because he knew I needed to learn some important lessons, and she would be my teacher. 

My bad-assery paled and will always pale in comparison to this friend of mine.  Here is a lady, and yes I mean lady, who shows no fear, regardless of the situation in which she might find herself.  This lady will tell you off, hold her babies close and plan for the next adventure without breaking a sweat.  She committed her life to protecting the public and in her youthful retirement continued to give care to the children in her care.  She has the greatest manicure I have ever seen and can shoot the lid off of a beer bottle.  She isn’t complicated, but she is complex.

What is funny about this lady is that she doesn’t see herself the way we see her.  She doesn’t recognize that strength is proven by the tenacity of her human spirit.  Her compassion is proven by the limitless love as a mother she shows to her children.  The strength of her heart is proven in the love she has for her husband.  And the need for shenanigans was proven by the episode of stealing beer from the wackers back porch that fun summer night we ran out too early (sorry Tom!) or by greeting the birds on many of morning of late night revelry.  Her strength has been proven by not just surviving but thriving in situations that would have brought another to their knees.

Her endless well of compassion is fitted properly with the filter that somehow never found its way to her vocabulary.  Tell us a word you don’t like and we will find a way to use it no less than 10 times in an hour!  She will give me the shirt off her back, and all the while remind me that I am a tool for loosing my shirt in the first place.  See, that’s more of what this world needs.  That friend that will tell you what they think, not just what you want to hear.  The world is full of those friends, but see, I have this friend…

She will forever be my friend, because the emotions that she brings out are as strong as she is.  My laughter was found in her, my fears were contained in her, my courage was born from her and my faith was rekindled because of her.

I have this friend… and I need you to pray with me for her.

Almighty and Eternal God,
You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You.

Hear us for Your faithful servant Jeanette
 for whom we implore the aid of Your tender mercy,
that being restored to bodily health,
she may give thanks to You in Your Church.
Through Christ our Lord.

Tell me about this friend of yours - I really want to know.