Sunday, August 2, 2015

Slugging Around

Who doesn't love a lazy Sunday?  Even in the dog days of summer we need to keep active and work on our fitness and health goal garbage but we also need to remember to take a break and slug about on a Sunday afternoon.

I play a game where I pretend that walking three miles in 90 degree heat is exactly what I want to do.  I pretend that I am excited as I get up off the couch, having taken a fifteen minute break after my ride home from a full day of work and grab my shoes.

The truth is, I think the endorphins living in my brain are retired or maybe even dead.  My husband, my coach, tells me everyday that if I just keep going I will make it through that wall that athletes do and love that sweat filled leg hurting activity.

I know he is right, I have to keep moving.  I have to become the master of my own self.  Genetically I rolled craps.  I have the body type of my father with some of the good things from my mom thrown in.  Fifty is less than six months away, and although I am not dreading it, I am worried about how hard it will be to keep on exercising.

So, I don't think about my age, I don't think about the heat, I put on my sneakers and walk.  I would like to jog but no one needs to see that! Walking is a Monday activity, today is Sunday and like my dogs, I am gonna take a breather and enjoy the day.

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