Monday, August 10, 2015

I'm no feminist but come on...

No wonder so many people are turned off of politics.  Regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump or Megyn Kelly, his comment about her was beyond stepping outside the boundaries of political correctness.

All along The Donald has been saying "I don't have time and the nation has no time for political correctness." He uses this as his reasoning behind his harsh words and direct nature. For a while it was acceptable to me, even a breath of fresh air, but he goes too far in his comments about Kelly on Friday. He said about Megan Kelly that she had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

This is a smart man, he knows enough to be worth 4 billion dollars, but doesn't know enough to not make menstrual comments? What does that say about his ability to humble himself when necessary? What does this say about his ability to filter any of his thoughts before they come out of his mouth? Isn't that an important trait when you become the voice of an entire nation?  Let's be honest, it wasn't even original or imaginative.  

I wasn't opposed to Donald Trump. I even understood why the generation of my father liked him and were supportive of him. But how can you support a man who unapologetically goes to the basest of sexist comments to make his point? I am just going to keep shopping for a candidate that I can respect and support.  

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