Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Good, The Bad, The Mundane

It’s a thick dark cloud that pushes you back down onto the ground, making it difficult to even lift your head, to take a breath or to get the slightest glimpse of sunlight.  It takes monumental strength to lift it up and away, or the patience to wait for it to disappear.  At one point or another, we have all felt this self-oppression.

Life is cyclical.  There are great moments, terrible moments and many mundane moments in between.  We live for the great moments.  We dream of how these moments will be when they happen and work hard to achieve them.  The terrible moments usually come without warning, sometimes taking our dreams and well laid plans with them.  These are the moments we never could have imagined, the moments we work so hard to forget.

The moments in between the great and the terrible are the core of our selves.  It is what makes us able to stand the terrible, achieve the great and recognize the wonderfulness of the monotony that makes up our day-to-day lives. 

Each dinnertime conversation with our children becomes a series of memories that they build upon.  A simple daily routine of homework, talking about the day and a good night kiss can create the foundation that we need to have the strength to survive the terrible and achieve the great.  No one ever thinks that these simple rituals, these minor conversations will have the impact that they do when the time comes to look back and inventory our lives.

Live fully in the moment, because it will be these moments that sustain you when the terrible inevitably comes around.  

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